Digital Payroll Giving

Digital Payroll Giving

Simplify charitable giving and make it effortless for your employees to support causes they care about by automatically donating directly from payroll with no more paper-driven administration tasks for the employer. PayCaptain’s Digital Payroll Giving is the easiest and most tax efficient way for employees to support charities. Our cloud-based payroll software sends donations instantly from gross pay to their chosen cause on pay day..

Benefits of payroll giving from PayCaptain

Makes money go further

Tax relief is applied to donations made direct from pay, costing employees less to support their chosen charity.

Increases job satisfaction and employee engagement

Fosters a sense of pride and purpose amongst employees by giving them an opportunity to make a difference.

Saves time with hassle-free management

Employees can ‘set and forget’ their donations as everything is handled through payroll.

Flexibility of choice

Employees can choose which charities they support, allowing them to contribute to causes they’re passionate about.

Boosts morale

Employees feel more connected with their workplace, contributing to a more positive culture through their philanthropy.

Making charitable donations easier with is a dedicated HMRC-approved payroll giving agency that provides payroll giving schemes for employers that pay their employees using our HMRC-recognised payroll software., a registered charity, provides a platform so employees can quickly and easily set up and manage their charitable donations. acts as an intermediary between the employer, employee and the chosen charity or charities, making the administration, management and distribution of donations more streamlined and efficient.

Benefits Advances For Employers

Features of payroll giving from PayCaptain

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Works in partnership with GoodPAYE

This 100% charity-owned professional fundraising organisation brings charities, employers and employees closer together to maximise donations.

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Streamlines administration

Payroll Giving eliminates the need for employees to set up individual donations or manage transactions.

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Facilitated by PayCaptain

Our outsourced payroll solution allows employees to easily select a charity of their choice from within the PayCaptain mobile payroll app.

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Speeds up payments

Payroll giving eliminates the need to claim Gift Aid and enables payments above the basic rate of Gift Aid, meaning more money goes to the charity to support their vital work.

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Employees have the option to round down their net salary and donate pennies from their pay to their workplace’s chosen charity.


How does payroll giving work?

Charitable donations are convenient, easy and automatic. Via PayCaptain’s mobile payroll app homepage, employees simply tap the “Charity Donations” tile, select their chosen cause and enter how much they wish to donate. Once set up, donations are deducted from payroll before tax is applied, reducing an employee’s taxable income and making charitable giving more cost-effective.

Payroll giving is processed by the payroll giving agency and distributed to the designated charity with the full value of donations forwarded pre-tax, so the charities receive the full amount regardless of the employees’ tax bracket. Tax relief is applied immediately, maximising the contributions and speeding up the delivery of the full payment to the designated charity.

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