Savings Pots

Savings pots from PayCaptain give employees peace of mind they’ve got money set aside for times of need. Building savings without manual intervention, savings pots offer instant access with no charges and help employees feel less stressed, more financially secure and confident about their financial future.

Savings Post

Savings pots – a simple and effective way of payroll saving - can be earmarked for specific goals like holidays, emergency funds or home deposits, providing clear motivation and a sense of achievement when goals are met. Helpful for budgeting or setting aside money for monthly expenses,

access to savings pots is quick and easy with PayCaptain debit cards, which can be branded for increased recognition and loyalty. With 28% of UK households having less than £1500 in savings, and an additional 20% having no savings at all, savings pots are an easy way to set money aside every payday.

Without savings individuals are completely vulnerable to unforeseen expenditures, often leading to reliance on debt and a spiralling negative financial situation. This can lead to mental illness, poverty, homelessness, productivity losses and immense suffering.

Behavioural Insights Team
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Benefits of PayCaptain Savings Pots

Benefits of PayCaptain’s savings pots

payroll Savings

Improves budgeting

By separating money into savings pots, employees can manage their monthly spending and savings better.

Financial Wellness Path

Reduces temptation to spend

Keeping savings pots separate from everyday banking reduces the risk of impulse-buying as funds are kept separate.

Instant Access

Instant access

Savings pots are accessible through PayCaptain’s payroll app, without charges or penalties. Money can also be accessed using PayCaptain debit cards, which can be set up for employees through the mobile app.

Increases Motivation to Save

Increases motivation to save

Personalised savings pots help employees visualise their goal for higher success rates.

Automated transfers to savings pots build healthier financial futures

Available through our HMRC-recognised payroll software, PayCaptain enables payments to savings pots to be set up for automatic transfer from net pay, for a frictionless start to saving. Savings pots allow employees to allocate money for specific purposes, making it easier to track progress toward each goal and stay motivated.

Seeing the growth of each savings pot can be visually rewarding and encouraging for employees. With savings being a key aspect of financial resilience, savings pots can lead to long-term positive financial behaviour, helping employees avoid hardship in the future.

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